Jonas Quinn

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Jonas Quinn is a Langaran scientist and former member of SG-1.



Jonas joined SG-1 while Daniel Jackson was Ascended. Jonas shows an amazing memory, reading and remembering things much faster than most humans from Earth can. It is unknown whether this ability is unique to him or if it is shared by others on his planet. Dialogue suggests it is the former.

He was a Kelownan and claimed to be unable to help, "even if he wanted to" when the Kelownan government pressed false charges against Daniel, later defecting to Earth with a sample of the rare mineral Naquadria. Many people on his planet consider him a traitor for this. (SG1: "Meridian")

After months in Cheyenne Mountain reading through Daniel Jackson's notes, he began a campaign to join SG-1 in Jackson's memory. One of his motivations is guilt since Daniel risked his life to save Jonas's home planet while Jonas did nothing. Another of his motivations is to save the people of his planet from the Goa'uld.


The remaining members of SG-1 mostly resented the idea of Jonas taking Daniel's place, especially Jack O'Neill. Samantha Carter also resisted the idea, though in a much friendlier fashion. Teal'c was the most receptive to Jonas' request and was the first to seriously suggest it. (SG1: "Redemption, Part 1")

After Jonas helped Carter come up with a plan to save Earth from a plot by Anubis, O'Neill, faced with the possibility of a Russian joining SG-1, agreed to have Jonas join the iconic team. It was still a while before Jack came to fully accept Jonas as a member of SG-1. When Jonas saved the lives of the others members of the team on a submerged Ha'tak, there was little more resistance to his joining of SG-1. (SG1: "Redemption, Part 2", "Descent")

For a year, Jonas served with SG-1. When Daniel Jackson, in ascended form, revealed that the Ancients had left a Lost City behind, Jonas spearheaded efforts to locate it. He concluded that it was located on Vis Uban. While they didn't find the Lost City, they found Dr. Jackson descended, who later revealed that the Ancients hid the city. Jonas came up with a plan to destroy Anubis' super mothership, by luring the System Lord to Vis Uban. Jonas and Daniel ringed aboard the mothership, giving Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter the location of a vital weakpoint. Jonas was captured, however, and Anubis used his mind probe on him. (SG1: "Full Circle", "Fallen")


Having learned of naquadria from Jonas, Anubis took his mothership to Langara. Jackson was able to rescue Jonas, and they met up with SG-1 on the surface. When Herak arrived seeking a control crystal containing information on naquadria, Jonas took a staff weapon blast intended for Daniel. He survived, however, and was invited to return home as Kelowna's representative on a new joint ruling council. He also supervised research on the naquadria that was learned from the crystal, with the help of Kianna Cyr. Upon discovering that a massive cataclysm, he turned to SG-1 for help. They discovered that Kianna, who had begun to have an affair with Jonas, was host to a Goa'uld symbiote. The Goa'uld helped them avert a cataclysm, and sacrificed itself to save Kianna, who returned to Lanagara with Jonas. (SG1: "Homecoming", "Fallout")

Jonas' fate following the Ori conquest of Langara is unknown. (SG1: "Counterstrike")

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