Janet Frasier

Fotos: Janet Frasier


Janet Fraiser, M.D. was a talented and compassionate human of the Tau'ri. She led the medical teams at the SGC meaning that she had to deal with a variety of unusual problems.



When Fraiser was first assigned to the SGC, she had to deal with the Touched, which she, Teal'c, and Daniel Jackson were immune to. After Teal'c managed to secure a blood sample from the Untouched, she realized that she and Daniel were immune because of the of their use of anti-histamines. (SG1: "The Broca Divide")

Fraiser was once married to a man who discouraged her from joining the Air Force. They were no longer together as of 1997 and, apparently, they never had any children. (SG1: "Hathor", "Heroes, Part 1")

She later became the adopted mother of Cassandra. When Cassandra began to suffer from a retrovirus that altered her DNA, a desperate Fraiser held Nirrti at gunpoint, demanding that the former System Lord heal her. When General George S. Hammond offered to allow Nirrti to leave, Nirrti refused, only to be reminded by Hammond that Fraiser was Cassandra's foster mother. (SG1: "Singularity", "Rite of Passage")

The Memorial Service of Doctor Janet Fraiser. Colonel Samantha Carter speaks on Fraiser's behalf.

Janet Fraiser was killed in action in 2004 at P3X-666. Among the many lives saved by Dr. Fraiser, and listed by Teal'c and Samantha Carter at Janet Fraiser's memorial service, was the whole SG-1 team, Airman Simon Wells, Major Ian Hewles and Sergeant Conny Smith. (SG1: "Heroes, Part 2")


Alternate realities

  • In an alternate reality Janet Fraiser gave Samantha Carter a check up when she was having difficulty conceiving a child. Janet discovered Samantha was unable to have children even though Aschen doctors said she was fine. When they investigated further, they found that almost all of the Earth's population has been sterilized. They informed Daniel Jackson, Teal'c, and Jack O'Neill and together formed a plan to prevent this from ever happening. When the plan was put in motion, Janet traveled to Chulak to let Teal'c know. (SG1: "2010")

An Alternate Janet Fraiser hugs Colonel Carter just before her departure through the Stargate.
  • In an alternate reality Janet Fraiser wasn't killed and she became a member of SG-1. Like her counterpart in our reality, she was a medical doctor. (SG1: "Ripple Effect")


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