Daniel Jackson

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Dr. Daniel Jackson, Ph.D has several times displayed he is an individual of great integrity, often passionately arguing against morally unsound plans. He tends to be very respectful of alien cultures, except when their culture involves immoral practices, and he often approaches the unknown with an almost childlike sense of awe. However, he seems to have a hard time accepting no-win scenarios.

Daniel Jackson was born on July 8 (SG1: "Forever in a Day"), in the year 1965, on the planet Earth, in New York, His initial purpose for joining SG-1 was to gain knowledge and find a way to separate his wife, Sha're, from her host, Amaunet. However, despite her death in 1999, he remained on the team to fight the Goa'uld. He has been on SG-1 since its inception, except when he was ascended for one year and Jonas Quinn took his place.

Dr. Jackson has brown hair, which he wore long through his second year on SG-1, and blue eyes. He usually wears glasses, although it is unknown how well he can see without them.


Early life

Daniel's parents, Melburn and Clare Jackson, were killed in an accident at the New York Museum of Art when he was eight years old. His grandfather, an archaeologist named Nicholas Ballard, refused to adopt him and young Daniel was put in foster care. (SG1: "The Gamekeeper", "Crystal Skull")

Jackson eventually grew up to become an archaeologist, linguist and expert in ancient writing systems, languages and cultures. However, he was ostracized from the scientific community for his radical theories involving cross-pollination of ancient cultures and the Egyptian pyramids being landing sites for alien spaceships and were far older than previously thought. (SG1: "Hathor", "Crystal Skull")

He is also afraid of heights. (Sg-1 Thor's Chariot)


Abydos expedition

Daniel Jackson on Abydos in 1994.

Since his grants had all run out and he had been evicted from his apartment, Daniel was desperate for work when he met a mysterious elderly woman named Catherine Langford. She got him a job translating ancient Egyptain hieroglyphics for the United States Air Force.

Dr. Jackson's intuitive genius discovered more than cryptic message from the dusty past. Instead, he found the key to unlocking the Stargate and accompanied Jack O'Neill's team to Abydos, so he could realign the Stargate on the other side. However, they found an extremely conspicuous distraction in the form of the ruthless Goa'uld Ra. After Ra was killed, Daniel remained on Abydos with Sha're, whom he had been unknowingly married to. (Stargate)


Return to Earth

Having lived on Abydos for almost three years, Daniel had no access with Earth and lived peacefully with the Abydonians. After Apophis went through Earth's Stargate, the United States government thought he came from Abydos. Jack O'Neill was able to convince General Hammond to contact Daniel Jackson, which was successfully performed via a Kleenex box. Jackson replied back to send more, which prompted O'Neill and his team to journey to Abydos, where they were reunited with Daniel Jackson and the other Abydonians.

Daniel Jackson shortly after returning to Earth.

Daniel Jackson had discoved a cartouche, which charted a vast network of Stargates across the galaxy, on Abydos, which he showed O'Neill and Samantha Carter. Apophis additionally arrived, who kidnapped Sha're and made her a host to Amaunet. Daniel was brought back to Earth and, upon his request, made a member of SG-1 with O'Neill and Samantha Carter. When he, along with SG-1 and SG-2 went to Chulak, he and his team were caught by Apophis and imprisoned. They were able to escape with help of the Jaffa Teal'c, but Daniel was unsuccessful in retrieving Sha're. (SG1: "Children of the Gods") Shortly after the mission on Chulak, Teal'c joined the team as well. (SG1: "The Enemy Within")

Jackson discovered that Ernest Littlefield had gone through the the Stargate in 1945 and convinced George Hammond to authorize a rescue mission. On the planet, dubbed Heliopolis, Littlefield showed Daniel a meeting hall containing information about an alliance between four alien species. Even though the whole structure was about collapse into the ocean, Jackson was more than a little reluctant to leave the planet. (SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus")

His teammates were made to think he was dead by Nem, an Oannes, who kidnapped Daniel to discover the fate of his mate, Omaroka. (SG1: "Fire and Water") Under the influence of her hypnotic breath, Daniel had sexual intercourse with Hathor in order for her to produce Goa'uld symbiotes. Though he can't have any recollection of this, having lost all his memory of what happened while he was under Hathor's control, he is rather repulsed by the knowledge. (SG1: "Hathor")

On a mission to P3R-233, Daniel discovered the Quantum Mirror and was transported to an alternate reality, where Earth was being annihilated by Apophis. (SG1: "There But For the Grace of God") Using information from that reality, SG-1 managed to prevent the same attack in their reality. (SG1: "Within the Serpent's Grasp", "The Serpent's Lair")

After Jackson saved Shyla, the daughter of Pyrus, from suicide, SG-1 was imprisoned. Shyla, however, took personal responsibility for Daniel, with whom she was infatuated. Daniel became addicted to the Goa'uld sarcophagus and experienced severe withdrawal symptons when brought back to Earth. Once he was returned to his normal state, he convinced Shyla to destroy the sarcophagus. (SG1: "Need")


Death and replacement

Some time after the successful mission that resulted in the death of the Goa'uld Seth (SG1: "Seth"), SG-1 and SG-12 brought a Goa'uld artifact known as the Gift of the Gods to the SGC. The Gift created an alternate reality in which only the SGC existed, along with its personnel, amid nothing. Shortly after that, the SGC was attacked by a Jaffa strikeforce. The Tau'ri held the line, but Daniel was killed in the battle.

Meanwhile, the SGC personnel in the alternate reality decided to avert the potentially disastrous effects of the Gift, which linked the Stargates of the two versions of the SGC in a manner that could destroy Earth in the main reality if the wormhole closed. The alternate Daniel Jackson removed the artifact from his reality, which was created only hours ago — along with himself, with false memories — thus destroying that reality. He subsequently replaced his dead counterpart in the main universe. (Stargate SG-1: Gift of the Gods)


Two lovers lost

A year after joining SG-1, Jackson and Teal'c travelled to Abydos and discovered Sha're was pregnant with Apophis' child. After the birth, Amaunet returned and rejoined Apophis. The child, a boy, was hidden away to prevent it from falling into Apophis' hands. (SG1: "Secrets")

On a planet where they were rescuing the Abydosians, Daniel again met Sha're/Amaunet, who had stolen back her child. However, when Amaunet used her ribbon device on Daniel, Teal'c was forced to kill her, but not before she gave Daniel a vision that explained how he needed to find the child, whom he discovered was a Harcesis. (SG1: "Forever in a Day")

Daniel Jackson finally located the boy on Kheb and discovered the Ascended, including Oma Desala, and he left the child in her care. (SG1: "Maternal Instinct")

Daniel was reunited with his grandfather Nick when SG-1 discovered a crystal skull similar to one Nick had discovered in 1971. Nick chose to remain behind on the planet with the "giant aliens" they discovered there, so he could teach and learn from them. (SG1: "Crystal Skull")

When the Eurondans offered Earth their technology in exchange for heavy water, which would allow them to win a world war, Daniel Jackson protested, stating that they should find out more about the war before making the Eurondans their allies. Jack O'Neill didn't agree with him until he discovered the Eurondans were nazist. (SG1: "The Other Side")

On P3X-888, Daniel made friends with an Unas whom he named Chaka. (SG1: "The First Ones") When Jack O'Neill wanted to destroy a ship that was killing the Enkarans, Jackson again protested, as it would have wiped out the Gadmeer. He managed to convince Lotan to stop the ship's destruction of the planet and to relocate the Enkarans to another world. (SG1: "Scorched Earth")

When David Jordan, an old mentor of Jackson, died, Daniel attended his funeral and was reunited with his some of his old colleagues, including his ex-girlfriend Sarah Gardner. However, Gardner was taken over by the Goa'uld Osiris, who escaped from Earth in a starship hidden in Egypt. (SG1: "The Curse")

On Abydos, Daniel again met his stepson, who he discovered had been genetically aged and was named Shifu. Jackson asked the boy for the information he possessed on the Goa'uld, but Shifu said Oma Desala had taught him to forget the information. When Daniel tried to convince him to remember it anyway, Shifu gave him a vision that showed how Daniel would have been corrupted by the knowledge of the Goa'uld. (SG1: "Absolute Power")

About a year after first meeting him, Daniel's Unas friend Chaka was kidnapped by a civilization that used the Unas for slave labor. SG-1 freed Chaka, but Chaka chose to remain behind so that he could begin an Unas rebellion. (SG1: "Beast of Burden")

Jackson impersonated Yu's servent Jarren at a summit of the System Lords, where he planned to release a deadly poison that would kill the System Lords. There he again met Osiris. (SG1: "Summit") Osiris revealed that Anubis had returned and, realizing how powerful Anubis was, Daniel didn't carry through the Tok'ra's plan to kill off all the System Lords. (SG1: "Last Stand")

Jackson again became angry with O'Neill when he killed Reese to save the base from an infestation of Replicators. Always one to see the best in humankind (or android or alien-kind), Daniel believed he was very close to persuading Reese to cease the attack, but O'Neill stated he had no way of knowing that and pointed out what would have happened if just one Replicator had escaped from Cheyenne Mountain. (SG1: "Menace")



"Knowledge is power, but how you use that power defines whether you are good, or evil."
—Daniel Jackson

Daniel ascending to higher plane of existence.

Daniel sacrificed himself to save the people of Kelowna from a naquadria bomb, but the dose of radiation was lethal and he died. However, with the help of Oma Desala, he ascended. (SG1: "Meridian") As an ascended being, Daniel found that he was not allowed to interfere in worldly matters. When O'Neill was captured and tortured by Ba'al, Jackson helped in the only way he could—by offering O'Neill the opportunity to ascend himself. O'Neill rejected the offer and was eventually rescued. (SG1: "Abyss")

Jackson later appeared to Teal'c as well when he was injured, appearing in Teal'c's delusions as a psychologist who helped him to see the reality of his delusion and return to the real world in time to be rescued. (SG1: "The Changeling") He also observed the capture of Bra'tac and Rya'c on Erebus but was powerless to do anything about it. (SG1: "Orpheus")

When Abydos was under a threat from Anubis, he told SG-1 and they went to the planet to help. When he discovered that Anubis was ascended himself, he decided the law against interfering no longer applied and tried to stop Anubis from destroying Abydos himself. However, Oma Desala stopped him to avoid drawing the wrath of the others and Anubis succeeded in annihilating the planet. (SG1: "Full Circle", "Threads")


Mortal again

Returned to his physical form, Daniel was found naked on the planet Vis Uban by its primitive inhabitants. He had no memory of who he was, so they dubbed him Arrom, meaning "naked one," and accepted him into their society. After two months, SG-1 discovered him and convinced him to come back to Earth, where he slowly began regaining his memory. (SG1: "Fallen") When Jonas Quinn was soon after made the Kelownan representative for the Joint Ruling Council, he left SG-1, leaving Jackson free to rejoin the team. (SG1: "Homecoming")

With the help of Teal'c Daniel recalled his memories of Bra'tac and Rya'c's fate, which enabled a rescue mission to be mounted. (SG1: "Orpheus") While on P2A-347, Daniel's body was taken over by a several disembodied entities. (SG1: "Lifeboat") He also vouched for the Unas living on P3X-403, using Chaka as an ambassador. (SG1: "Enemy Mine")

While on a mission to Honduras to recover a piece of Ancient technology that could be used to fight Anubis' Kull warriors, Jackson and Dr. Bill Lee were captured by local guerillas. (SG1: "Evolution, Part 1")

After being rescued from the Honduran terrorists by O'Neill and Burke, Jackson and Lee were brought back to the SGC. (SG1: "Evolution, Part 2") When Osiris beamed into Daniel's home and attempted to manipulate his dreams in order to locate the Lost City, SG-1 figured out what was going on and captured her. She was taken to the Tok'ra, who had her symbiote removed. Daniel told Sarah that what Osiris made her do wasn't her fault and that he would help her overcome her feelings of guilt. (SG1: "Chimera")

When Earth's alliance with the Tok'ra and the Jaffa Rebellion broke down, Daniel tried passionately to rectify it, but to no avail. (SG1: "Death Knell") On Emmett Bregman's advice, Jackson recorded a few seconds of a mission to P3X-666. Bregman was reluctant to include this footage, which depicted the death of Janet Fraiser, in his documentary, but Daniel told him that he thought it showed "what Janet Fraiser was all about." (SG1: "Heroes")

When Anna was discovered a secret NID laboratory, Daniel tried to help and comfort her, although the security tapes seemed to show she was guilty of murder. (SG1: "Resurrection") After discovering the Antarctic outpost and foiling Anubis' attack on Earth, Jackson, with the help of Elizabeth Weir negotiated a shaky agreement with the System Lords. (SG1: "Lost City, Part 2", "New Order") He later determinded the gate address that would allow a team to reach the lost city of Atlantis. (ATL: "Rising")

When SG-1's arrival on a planet caused civil unrest, Daniel attempted to prevent a full-scale civil war from occurring. He failed and was trapped on the planet until he was rescued and Soren, a religious zealot that had taken over the Rand Protectorate, was killed. (SG1: "Icon") When Teal'c was trapped inside a virtual reality simulation, Daniel entered the simulation too in order to rescue him. (SG1: "Avatar")

A group working for the Trust blackmailed Daniel into giving them the translation to beam aboard the Al'kesh left behind by Osiris. (SG1: "Affinity") When this group used the beaming technology on board to steal the Stargate, Jackson discovered, from Dr. Bricksdale, how to beam aboard the ship. With the help of Samantha Carter and Teal'c, he recovered the gate, but the Al'kesh escaped into hyperspace. (SG1: "Endgame")

General Hammond selected Daniel to accompany an expedition on the Prometheus to locate the lost Atlantis expedition. However, the ship was hijacked by Vala Mal Doran, who was planning to sell it to two prospective buyers. She had more than a passing amorous interest in Daniel, but he considered her a "fruitcake" and was more interested in regaining control of the ship. He was ultimately sucessful, but Vala escaped in an Al'kesh that had recently been repaired by the rest of the Prometheus's crew. The ship's damage was such that the mission had to be discontinued. (SG1: "Prometheus Unbound")

The bounty hunter Hans Olo.

When Robert Kinsey was captured by Goa'ulded agents of the Trust and turned into a Goa'uld himself to trick the Russians into thinking the American administration had been overtaken by the Goa'uld, Jackson went to Russia and, with the help of Captain Daria Voronkova, he tried to prevent a nuclear war from occurring. (SG1: "Full Alert")

When Daniel was captured by Replicator Carter, he was tricked into revealing the location of the weapon Dakara, which was the only weapon that could be used to destroy her and all the other Replicators. However, the weapon was still activated and the Replicators were wiped out, but Jackson was killed. The succes of this was partially due to Daniel himself as he engaged Replicator Carter in a battle of wills and defeated her, taking control of the entire Replicator army and freezing them long enough for Colonel Samantha Carter and her father to recalibrate and fire the weapon. Replicator Carter managed to regain control and killed Daniel before the weapon fired.(SG1: "Reckoning")

Oma Desala gave him the chance to ascend again, but he was reluctant when he learned that Anubis was planning to retake Dakara and use the weapon to destroy all life in the galaxy. Eventually, Oma decided to fight Anubis. She wouldn't be able to win, but neither would he and he wouldn't be able to do anything but fight her back. With the galaxy effectively rid of Anubis, Daniel ascended and immediately returned to his physical form. (SG1: "Threads")

Using a modified Puddle jumper, SG-1 traveled back in time to Ancient Egypt to acquire a ZPM. However, Ra's Jaffa found their ship, preventing them from returning to the future. SG-1 placed the ZPM in a tomb that would be discovered shortly before they left, so they would never have to go on the mission in the first place. However, the future was altered and alternate versions of the team, minus Daniel, who had been killed, traveled back in time to set things right. The Daniel Jackson of the "original" timeline lived out the remainder of his life in Ancient Egypt, but the "future" Jackson never went on the mission and remained part of SG-1. (SG1: "Moebius")


Fighting the Ori

Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran on the Plains of Celestis.

Sometime after this, Daniel decided to leave SG-1 and join the Atlantis Expedition. However, Vala Mal Doran came to Earth in search of a treasure. Daniel concluded that the Ancient who made the tablet was Merlin, and the treasure was hidden in Avalon. In order to ensure that she would get her "fair share," she bound herself and Jackson together with two kor mak bracelets. However, she was unaware their powers would work both ways. Along with Cameron Mitchell and Teal'c, they did find Avalon hidden under a hill located in the UK. There they found an intergalactic communication device that Daniel and Vala used to place themselves in the bodies of Harrid and Sallis, two heretics living in another galaxy. Although Mitchell eventually managed to free them by throwing the device into the kawoosh of the Stargate, the Ori became aware of the existence of the Milky Way galaxy. Feeling responsible, Daniel decided to remain with SG-1. (SG1: "Avalon", "Origin")

After Daniel was accidentally shifted into an alternate dimension with Mitchell and Carter, Daniel learned of a weapon designed by Merlin to neutralize the Ori. They travelled to Camelot, where they learned that the weapon in question was the Sangraal. It was also said that King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table left to three distant lands to search for it: Castiana, Sahal, and Vagonbrei. (SG1: "Arthur's Mantle", "Camelot")

Daniel was presumed killed in the battle of P3Y-229, but actually ringed over to an Ori warship, one which was carrying Vala. They attempted to kidnap Adria the Orici, but when that plan failed, Daniel resolved that they had to kill her, as she was "an Ori in human form". Traveling to Atlantis, he encountered the ascended Morgan Le Fay, asking her for the addresses of the planets the Sangraal might be on. All three turned up empty. (SG1: "Flesh and Blood", "The Pegasus Project")

Several months later, Daniel realized that the three planets in question formed a perfect triangle in space with in the center of that triangle a point showing a fourth planet, while Vala realized that the address for the planet with the Sangraal was on one composed of Castiana, Sahal, and Vagonbrei's addresses. However, they had been lead there by Adria, who needed Daniel to find the weapon. It was learned that Morgan was not protecting the Sangraal, but Merlin, who was in stasis. However, Merlin's body had deteriorated too much during that time, and his memories were downloaded into Daniel. Daniel managed to build to phases of the Sangraal, but was soon captured by Adria, with SG-1 being forced to leave him behind. (SG1: "The Quest")

Daniel as a Prior.

While Adria's prisoner, Daniel was seemingly swayed to become a prior of the Ori, but he actually hoped to complete the Sangraal and send it to the Ori home galaxy, Merlin's downloaded personality protecting Daniel's mind from Adria's influence. After allowing himself to be captured by SG-1, he tried to convince them and Jack O'Neill that he was still on their side, and gave SG-1 intelligence to capture the Ori warship carrying the incomplete Sangraal, but used O'Neill to hijack the Odyssey. Daniel redirected the Ori ship through the now deactivated Supergate, destroying the Ori before a 'kill' switch Merlin had implanted during the original download caused Daniel's body to revert to its original state. However, more Ori warships were able to come through as a result. (SG1: "The Shroud")

Some time after this, Daniel began to have visions of what appeared to be Merlin - although it was later revealed to be Morgan - alerting him to the existence of the Ark of Truth, a device that, when activated, would make anyone who looked into it believe that the Ori were not gods. Guided by his visions and with the help of Tomin, Daniel, Vala and Teal'c were able to discover the Ark, although they were subsequently captured and taken to Celestis, where they learned that the now ascended Adria was the sole Ori left. Having activated the Ark, Daniel and Teal'c arranged for the Doci to look into it, his newfound disbelief in the Ori subsequently being 'transmitted' to every other Prior in the galaxy due to the link between them and their staffs. With Adria now weakened, Morgan attacked her, the two engaging in eternal battle much like Oma and Anubis. (Stargate: The Ark of Truth)



Daniel, Rodney McKay and John Sheppard in Janus' lab.

Over a year after the fall of the Ori, Daniel travelled to Atlantis to carry out research on the renegade Ancient scientist Janus. With the aid of Doctor Rodney McKay, Daniel discovered Janus' lab, but the two of them were captured by a lost tribe - a renegade group of Asgard who had long ago split away from the rest of their people - and forced to activate a forbidden weapon created by Janus called the Attero device, which destroyed Wraith ships currently in hyperspace at the cost of simultaneously destroying every active Stargate in the Pegasus galaxy. Having discovered that the alien race were a group of Asgard who had long since cut off contact with their fellows in the Milky Way galaxy, Daniel and McKay were able to shut down the Attero Device using the Asgard's containment suits, although Daniel was injured in the attempt and subsequently sent back to Earth after the Atlantis Stargate - which had been destroyed when the device was activated - was replaced. (ATL: "First Contact", "The Lost Tribe")

By 2009, Dr. Jackson hosted a series of videos in order to provide a crash course of the Stargate program to those who just been cleared to know of its existence. It is unknown exactly how many videos he helped to create, but it was at least six. (SGU: "Air, Part 1")


Alternate realities

  • In the alternate reality that the Daniel Jackson visited, an alternative version of himself clearly existed, but was never seen. The alternate Daniel Jackson refused Catherine Langford's offer to work on the Stargate. As of 1997, he was living in Egypt, where he was probably killed in the Goa'uld invasion of the Earth. (SG1: "There But For the Grace of God")
  • An alternate version of the SGC, along with Daniel Jackson, was created by the Gift of the Gods. This Daniel is actually the one who has been in SG-1 since 1999, as he left his reality after his counterpart who was born in the main universe died in a subsequent Jaffa attack on the SGC. (Stargate SG-1: Gift of the Gods)
  • In an alternate reality Daniel Jackson, along with Teal'c, learned about the sterilization of the Earth's population by the Aschen from Janet Fraiser and Samantha Carter. Later, they were able to convince Jack O'Neill to help with their plan to prevent it from ever happening. When the plan was put into motion, Daniel covered O'Neill while he tried to send a note through the Stargate. After O'Neill was killed, Daniel made his attempt, but was also killed by the automated defense system. (SG1: "2010")
  • In an alternate reality created through interference with the timeline, Dr. Daniel Jackson taught English as a second language. Daniel, Samantha Carter, and Jack O'Neill traveled to Chulak to recruit Teal'c. He was tortured by Apophis and then implanted with a Goa'uld. He was later killed by Teal'c. (SG1: "Moebius, Part 1", "Moebius, Part 2")
  • A version of Daniel Jackson came to our reality in an attempt to steal a ZPM and return it to their reality for securing their Earth. (SG1: "Ripple Effect")
  • In an alternate reality created by Ba'al where the Stargate was never discovered, Daniel was a reclusive archaeologist living in Egypt who had been ridiculed for his theories about the pyramids. When the 'original' Daniel arrived in that timeline, he lost his left leg due to frostbite, but he was killed during the final confrontation with Qetesh's Jaffa. This timeline was erased after SG-1 discovered the solar observation outpost Ba'al used to travel in time and used it to set history back on course. (Stargate: Continuum)


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