
Fotos: Bra'tac


Bra'tac is Teal'c's former Jaffa master who still is his ongoing teacher and friend. Teal'c also considers him to be like a father for him, and Bra'tac is known to be an honorable and decent man. He was previously First Prime of the Goa'ulds Apophis and Klorel.



He was then First Prime of Apophis, a position his future pupil Teal'c would later assume in his place. Bra'tac is 143 years old and is therefore born around 1864. He is often pointing out his age, which gives a hint that old age is considered to be of great value. Once he realized that the Goa'uld were not gods, he renounced his loyalty to them and began a quest to rid the galaxy of the them.

Some time after Cronus killed his First Prime, Teal'c's father, Ron'ac, and banished Teal'c and his mother to Chulak, vowing to become First Prime of Apophis, he was taken under the wing of Bra'tac, who was Apophis' First Prime at the time. Bra'tac planted the seeds of doubt about the Goa'uld in Teal'c's mind. Teal'c later married Drey'auc, and had a son, Rya'c.

When he first meets the Tau'ri, which Teal'c had joined forces with to fight the Goa'uld, he is initially suspicious of the humans of Earth, particularly O'Neill, but Bra'tac slowly learns to trust and respect the Tau'ri. He allowed them to escape back to Earth through the Stargate.(SG1: "Bloodlines")

Bra'tac managed to regain his position as First Prime and joined Apophis' attack force to Earth. He had hoped to attack Apophis' ship with Klorel's, so that an infighting would begin, enabling Earth's "ships" to attack. But SG-1 interference brought them closer together, so Bra'tac had to help SG-1 destroy both vessels. They escape the vessels' destruction on death gliders but the blast badly damaged the gliders, but they were rescued by a small space shuttle. (SG1: "The Serpent's Lair")

Later on Bra'tac helps to save Teal'c's son, Rya'c from several threats and becomes a guardian to him, teaching him the ways of the Jaffa. During a mission to find the Harcesis child (Shifu) on Kheb, Bra'tac is presented with the idea of Ascension but in the end decides against this possibility for himself. (SG1: "Maternal Instinct", "Family")

Bra'tac was a major leader to the Jaffa Resistance, a rebellion aimed at overthrowing the Goa'uld and establishing the freedom of all Jaffa. At one time he and the resistance was attacked by the Goa'uld in a surprise attack and was brought back to life with the help of Stargate Command's physicians. His larval symbiote died and they were unable to transplant a new one into him. They therefore began treating him with the drug Tretonin, which he continues to receive regular doses of. (SG1: "The Changeling")

In the prelude of the Battle of Dakara, Bra'tac and Teal'c convince the other members of the Jaffa Rebellion to attack Dakara in an ultimately successful mission. The Goa'uld Empire fell and the Jaffa finally obtain freedom. Bra'tac and Teal'c, who were major figures in the freeing of Jaffa, were knighted Bloodkin to all Jaffa, the highest honor that can be bestowed on any Jaffa.

Bra'tac becomes a leader of the Progressive faction of the High Council of the newly formed Free Jaffa Nation.

Some time after the destruction of Dakara by the Ori, leaders of the Free Jaffa Nation meet to consider the future, but Bra'tac and Teal'c are badly injured during an ambush by a former enemy of Teal'c. When they get nursed back at the SGC, Bra'tac tells Teal'c that he is like a son to him. (SG1: "Talion")

StarGate Atlantis StarGate Universe